Shafaq News/ The Iraqi, Jordanian, and Egyptian Red Crescent concluded on Thursday a agreement to bolster the trilateral cooperation between the fraternal organizatios in the humanitarian feild in light of outcomes of the Baghdad Summit that gathered the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, Egyptian President, Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, and the Jordanian Kings, Abdullah II, in the Iraqi capit earlier this year.

The official Jordanian "Petra" news agency said that the three organizations agreed upon "joining" human efforts to set a model for developmental, human, and social cooperation.

"The agreement aims to enhance the role of of the three organizations as a vital contributer to the humanitarian field highlighted in the Trilateral Summit outcomes."

The National organizations agreed to set priorities for cooperation in the areas of health emergencies, particularly the  COVID-19 pandemic and its social and economic impacts, form a taskforce to devise a plan for the joint training of the organizations' staff and volunteers, mobilize the necessary resources for its implementation, and prepare for a practical program for cooperation in the areas of common challenges, especially climate change, food security, and livelihoods.