Shafaq News / An anonymous security source in Saladin reported on Tuesday that five soldiers from the international coalition forces and the Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Service were injured in an ambush set up by the ISIS group in the eastern part of the province.

The source informed Shafaq News Agency that coalition aircraft targeted a structure yesterday, associated with ISIS, in the Al-Eith Island region east of Saladin. The strike resulted in the destruction of a significant portion of the structure.

The source added that the airstrike did not result in any casualties among the ISIS members present within the structure. These militants exited and took cover in an ambush outside the building. During this time, French forces in collaboration with the Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Service executed an airborne operation in Kirkuk to assess the impact of the airstrike.

The source elaborated that ISIS elements opened fire on the landing forces with medium weapons, leading to the injury of three French soldiers and two Counter-Terrorism personnel.

Furthermore, the source indicated that reinforcements from the Saladin Operations Command arrived at the scene of the incident. Security formations and coalition forces continue to besiege the area in pursuit of ISIS elements.

Al-Eith Island remains a focal point for ISIS due to its extensive and strategic geographical presence, closely linked to the borders of Kirkuk and Diyala.