Shafaq News/ A spokesperson to Iraq's Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) on Saturday said that funding and the nature of the new election law might disappoint Prime Minister Mohammad Shiyaa al-Sudani's hopes for holding an early election a year after swearing him in.

The member of IHEC's media office, Emad Jamil, told Shafaq News Agency, "to hold a new election, a law and a budget are a must."

"The feasibility of holding the election on the date he promised depends on the nature of the law. Some laws are complicated and might need some time to be effectuated by the election commission."

"Other laws might be easier to implement. We must decide, however, the distribution of the electoral districts, the mechanism of sorting and counting, and other technical details."

"Holding an election requires funding as well," he concluded, "whether an election will be held in a year or not is contingent upon these two factors."