Shafaq News/ The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) has completed the manual recount of the ballots in the contested Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) in Erbil, Kirkuk, Karbala, al-Diwaniyah, al-Muthanna, and al-Anbar.

"The recount took place in the presence of the contesting candidates' representatives, international observers, and media," a statement of IHEC said, "the result will be submitted to the board of commissioners."

Recounting the ballots of the contested EVMs in Dhi Qar will take place on Monday and Tuesday, the statement added. 

Earlier today, a member of IHEC's media team, Imad Jamil, told Shafaq News Agency that EVMs contested in Karbala are 10, Erbil 29, Kirkuk 67, al-Muthanna 10, al-Diwaniyah 4, and al-Anbar 6.  Yesterday, Saturday, the IHEC announced that the results of the contested EVMs in al-Karkh/Baghdad were 100% identical to the preliminary results announced online