Shafaq News / The Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) announced on Sunday its decision to extend the candidate registration period for the upcoming provincial councils elections.

According to a document obtained by Shafaq News agency, the IHEC has extended the registration period for individual candidates until August 13th.

Furthermore, the deadline for registering political alliances and parties has been extended until August 20th.

It is noteworthy that earlier today, IHEC revealed the reality of a reluctance to run for the provincial councils elections.

Emad Jameel, the head of the IHEC's media team, mentioned to Shafaq News Agency that "13 alliances are in Thi Qar, 10 in Maysan, as well as in Najaf and other governorates who delayed presenting candidates due to negotiations and agreements, posing challenges in meeting the commission's timeframe."

Jameel disclosed, "The Commissioners' Board is convening and will likely extend the candidate submission period to accommodate all applicants. In the upcoming days, over 3000 candidates will officially file documents for provincial council elections, indicating no reluctance but active participation."