Shafaq News / A government official in Saladin announced that the Ministry of Defense had deployed military reinforcements in the areas of Al-Zawiya district, adjacent to the Makhoul Mountains, to counter any ISIS attack.

The director of Al-Zawiya district, Muhammad Zaidan, told Shafaq News agency that the Minister of Defense, Jumah Inad Al-Jubouri, has ordered the deployment of the forces in the areas of the outskirts of al-Zawiya, al-Mashak, al-Naml, and al-Khanuka border areas with Al-Shirqat district, north of Saladin.

Zaidan confirmed that four thermal cameras had been installed at strategic points to monitor any movements or activity of ISIS terrorists, stressing, "the recent operations in the Makhoul Mountains have greatly reduced the presence of the terrorists."

Last month, the "Al-Mashak" area of ​​Al-Zawiya district was subjected to an ISIS attack, in which ten security personnel and citizens were killed, and eight others were injured. It was considered one of the most violent attacks in several years.

Al-Zawiyah district is the first area in Iraq that resisted ISIS terrorists (July 2014), but the lack of weapons, equipment and government support helped ISIS occupy the district. The terrorists blew up more than 156 homes in Al-Zawiyah later.