Shafaq News / A reliable local source reported that four protestors from Nasiriyah who had been detained during protests on Tuesday in Baghdad had been released. 

The source told Shafaq News agency that the protestors were released following the intervention of the head of the National Security Agency, Abdul Ghani Al-Asadi, and the governor of Dhi Qar, Ahmed Al-Khafaji.

He indicated that they are currently on their way to Nasiriyah.

Earlier today, Demonstrators in Dhi Qar threatened to "paralyze" traffic in the governorate unless demonstrators arrested by security forces in Baghdad, including a demonstrator from Nasiriyah, are released.

One of the demonstrators told the Shafaq News Agency correspondent, "The federal government has one hour to release four detained protesters in Baghdad, including the brother of one of the victims of the Nasiriyah demonstrations."

"If they are not released, we will block all roads and all bridges in Dhi Qar, and completely paralyze traffic," he added.