Shafaq News/ Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein on Monday revealed that Baghdad is actively working to bring an end to the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Hussein made this announcement during a joint press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba, who arrived in the Iraqi capital earlier in the day.

Hussein declared, "Iraq is in favor of a ceasefire regarding the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, and we have informed Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov of this stance during his visit to Baghdad."

He further emphasized Iraq's role in the contact group seeking a ceasefire and the commencement of talks between Moscow and Kyiv.

The Iraqi foreign minister expressed his country's ambition to be a part of the solution concerning the Russo-Ukrainian war, stating, "Iraq strives to be an integral component in resolving the ongoing conflict."

Hussein highlighted discussions on the continuation and strengthening of trade relations with Ukraine, in addition to addressing regional issues and the implications of the economic war.

"This visit is important, and the world is watching its developments closely," he said.

On his part, Minister Kuleba said the visit reflects the evolving ties between the two nations, adding, "Our relation with Iraq is in a state of growth."

Kuleba affirmed Ukraine's cooperation with the policies pursued by the Iraqi government, pledging to work together to address the challenges posed by the ongoing conflict and its ramifications on the region.