Shafaq News/ The anti-establishment "Emtidad" parliamentary bloc on Monday affirmed that it will attend the session called on Saturday to elect a new president of the republic, while reiterating its rejection for the "quota government".

A Member of the bloc, Haidar al-Salami, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "we will not impede the session or break its quorum. However, we will not take a part in a quota government with those who mismanaged the state."

"Our candidate for the presidency is the member of the New Generation bloc, our partners in the 'for the people' alliance, Rebwar Salih Arif. Aware it is unlikely he could win, his candidature delivers our massage as an opposition against the elite."

"We have already presented a list of our demands to those who claim to be in charge; most prominently, disclosing the identities of those who killed, abducted, and tortured the demonstrators, among other demands that are significant to the public. However, it went unheeded."

"Our votes are not as precious as the blood of our Martyrs and the demands of our people. We will ignore those who ignored us earlier."