Shafaq News / Al-Battawin area in Baghdad witnessed a homicide on Wednesday, as one hotel guest was killed by his friend following a dispute at one of the area's hotels amidst ongoing extensive security measures.

Our correspondent reported that two guests at the Dhuhran Hotel in Al-Battawin engaged in a quarrel that escalated into the death of one of them.

Furthermore, intelligence, anti-crime, and narcotics units, along with other security forces rushed ro the scene as the victim's body is still inside the hotel, as does the perpetrator.

It is noteworthy that last Thursday,Al-Battawin underwent the largest security and service operation in years, uncovering an underground world of prostitution, drug manufacturing and trafficking, and organized crime.

Nestled amidst the historic expanse of Baghdad lies Al-Battawin, a mere stone's throw from the Monument of Freedom, between the renowned Abu Nuwas Street and the western banks of the Tigris River. 

Bounded by Tahrir Square to the north and the bustling district of Al-Karrada to the south, it encompasses a tapestry of iconic cinemas, hotels, commercial establishments, and corporate giants of varied stripes.

Shafaq News Agency's correspondent previously delved into this area, where dozens of stories surfaced about drug cartels, organized crime, human trafficking, prostitution, begging, and other suspicious activities. 

It seemed as if it were a city beyond the reach of authority, a sentiment echoed by its residents, who recounted harrowing tales from their lived experiences. Additionally, a security source disclosed the influence of syndicates dictating the security situation and their dealings with security leaders, highlighting the partisan protection of rampant corruption, particularly within two or three streets of this neighborhood.