Shafaq News/ An official security source reported on Wednesday that the death toll resulting from the recent aerial bombardment carried out by American forces, targeting the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces in Jurf al-Nasr, north of Babel Governorate, has now reached six victims. The source, speaking to the Shafaq News Agency, cautioned that this toll is not final and may see an increase due to the severity of injuries sustained by some fighters during the airstrike. The U.S. Army's Central Command issued a statement confirming the strikes. "On the morning of November 22 in Iraq, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces conducted discrete, precision strikes against two facilities in Iraq. The strikes were in direct response to the attacks against U.S. and Coalition forces by Iran and Iran-backed groups, including the one in Iraq on November 21, which involved use of close-range ballistic missiles." This development follows the official acknowledgment by U.S. forces of their responsibility for a previous attack on Tuesday on the Hezbollah Brigades and Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq groups west of Baghdad. Hadi Al-Amiri, the head of the "Nabni (We Build)" coalition and Secretary-General of the Badr Organization, has vehemently condemned the recent U.S. airstrike targeting the Popular Mobilization Forces, denouncing it as a "cowardly act" and a flagrant violation of national sovereignty. In a statement issued today, Al-Amiri expressed his strongest condemnation of the airstrikes that occurred both on Tuesday and Wednesday, resulting in casualties and injuries. He asserted that this incident serves as clear evidence contradicting American claims of limiting their presence in Iraq to "advisers and trainers," emphasizing that the reality suggests a combat-oriented deployment. Al-Amiri renewed his longstanding demand for the immediate removal of all foreign forces from Iraq, citing the airstrikes as proof that their presence exacerbates instability and leads to the shedding of Iraqi blood. He stated, "Their presence has no constitutional or legal cover," and stressed that their continued presence would only contribute to further security challenges and hinder Iraq's progress towards stability. Most of the attacks on Global Coalition bases in Iraq and Syria were by rockets or drones claimed by a group called "the Islamic Resistance in Iraq."