Shafaq News/ The Nasiriyah investigation court on Monday issued eight arrest warrants against eight demonstrators who sustained injuries during protests in the capital city of the Dhi Qar governorate, a source revealed on Monday.

According to the source, the arrest warrants were deemed effective immediately, and the security forces received orders to bring the defendants into custody.

According to the source, the injured demonstrators were involved in an assault against municipality employees in Nasiriyah.

"The arrest warrants were issued in accordance with Article 299 of Iraq's penal code no. 11 of 1969/amended," the source said.

Nasiriyah was the heart of Iraq's biggest anti-government protests in decades. Hundreds of thousands took the streets on October 2019 to demand jobs, services, and removal of the ruling elite, whom they accused of corruption. The protests continued for months, and hundreds were killed in clashes with the security forces and al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF).

The protests caused the resignation of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi.

Former Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, who took office in May 2020, pledged justice for activists killed or abused by armed groups. But no prosecutions have occurred so far.