Shafaq News / Al-Siyada Alliance accused the Minister of Communications, Hayam al-Yassiri, of emptying high positions in the ministry of "the Sunni component" through "systematic eradication campaigns."

The Alliance said in a statement on Wednesday, "While we were hoping to move away from exclusion and marginalization towards a comprehensive national program that everyone collaborates to implement, some insist on diving into the same square through systematic eradication campaigns without real convincing reasons."

It added, "We in al-Siyada Alliance see that the measures taken by the Minister of Communications do not contribute at all to providing a suitable environment for implementing the agreement under which the current government was formed, or cooperation to implement its declared program. We emphasize the need for a serious and accurate review of these discriminatory measures that affected many of the ministry's personnel, where high positions were emptied of the Sunni component without any technical evaluation, in addition to not filling those vacancies according to the component balance standard."

The Alliance called on the Prime Minister to "evaluate these measures and correct them in order to ensure fair representation that preserves social balances and achieves the principles of partnership, balance, and harmony."

Recently, the Minister of Communications, Hayam al-Yassiri, made sweeping changes in the ministry's joints, where she relieved some officials and replaced others.

Al-Yassiri's changes focused on the Directorate of Communications and Informatics, according to several documents obtained by Shafaq News Agency earlier.