Shafaq News/ On Thursday, the Coordination Framework (CF) delegated the Prime Minister-designate, Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani, to select the new ministers for all portfolios except for the defense and interior ministries.

The Framework, a pro-Iranian entity, includes the Shiite political forces except for the Sadrist, said in a statement that it instructed Al-Sudani to choose his cabinet’s ministers from the names submitted by the political blocs or to propose new candidates.

CF also asked the new prime minister to apply the “rotation” principle by shifting the ministries from one party to another, except for the Ministries of Interior and Defense, by nominating civilian or military figures for these two critical posts.

Last week, the new president Abdul Latif Rashid invited Al-Sudani, the nominee of the largest parliamentary bloc (CF), to form a government.

Al-Sudani has 30 days to form a cabinet and present it to parliament for approval.

His government expected to face serious economic, social, security, and financial challenges, especially with the Sadrist boycott.

Muqtada Al-Sadr’s supporters may return to the streets as they still refuse Al-Sudani for the premiership.