Shafaq News/ The US Central Command said that CENTCOM commander, Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla visited the Al-Hol camp in Syria, where about 60,000 displaced people, mostly Iraqis, live.

In a statement, the US CENTCOM said that Kurilla sent its condolences to the families of the two members of the Syrian Democratic Forces killed in a firefight with ISIS in the al-Hol Camp on September 8th.

 “I expressed this directly to the leadership of the Syrian Democratic Forces at the Camp. The SDF face danger in their effort to clear ISIS from this site, and our thoughts are with their fellow SDF troops.” He said.

“Wide-ranging operation which will make the Camp safer for all residents. We’ve already seen ISIS members holding women and girls enslaved in chains inside the Camp, torturing camp residents, and seeking to spread their vile ideology.” Kurilla added.

“Most residents seek to escape ISIS, but ISIS sees the Camp as a captive audience for its message and recruitment efforts. Therefore, we must repatriate residents back to their countries of origin and rehabilitate them if needed.”

The US top military commander confirmed that the United States would continue working with the SDF to “address security at the Camp and the humanitarian conditions.”

“While this Camp represents a real threat to the region, it also represents a humanitarian catastrophe. I spoke with several members from the Camp today; these discussions reinforced the severity of the situation.” He added.

“With approximately 56,000 residents – more than 90 percent of them women and children – living in tents here, the Camp is a flashpoint of human suffering. The site reached 98 degrees while we were out today, and it gets much hotter. There is little escape from the heat and limited access to running water.”

“ISIS seeks to exploit these horrific conditions. With approximately 80 births in the Camp each month, this place is a literal breeding ground for the next generation of ISIS. In addition, approximately 70 percent of the population is under 12. These young people are vulnerable to radicalization given their poor quality of life.”

“Most residents of the Camp reject ISIS. Many want to contribute to society. Many wish to return to their homelands, to reenter the workforce and return their children to school.”

Kurilla pointed out that there is no military solution to the ISIS threat in the al-Hol Camp.

“The most durable solution is for countries of origin to repatriate, rehabilitate, and reintegrate their citizens. Approximately half of the residents of al-Hol are originally from Iraq. I commend the real progress Iraq has demonstrated to date in repatriating its nationals. Although substantial, there’s a need to accelerate this progress. Should Iraq repatriate, rehabilitate, and reintegrate its citizens, the problem would immediately become much more manageable.”

“From the perspective of the United States, this is a situation that requires a whole-of-government approach. Therefore, I am in dialogue with the US Government to improve security and humanitarian conditions at the Camp.”