Shafaq News / A parliament source said, on Wednesday that two blocs have withdrew from the budget-law voting session.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the State of Law coalition and the Al-Nahj al-Watani bloc withdrew from the session due to disagreements over some paragraphs in the 2021 federal budget law.

The MP of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Mona Al-Gharabi also announced her withdrawal from the session, saying, "I am very disappointed by the insistence of some to keep the exchange rate of the dollar as it is and not to reduce it, leaving the poor citizen an easy prey for greed and corruption."

On the other hand, the source indicated that Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi asked the representatives to study the proposal about changing the currency in circulation of the barrel of oil from the US dollar to the Iraqi dinar.

He added that Al-Halbousi called all representatives to not make any interventions during reading and voting on the articles of the budget law.