Shafaq News / Leader in the Iraqi front, Atheel Al-Nujaifi, expected today, Sunday, that Iran will reduce its influence and presence in Iraq and the entire region after the victory of President-elect Joe Biden.

Al-Nujaifi said told Shafaq News agency, "Biden is expected to return to the nuclear agreement with Iran. The negotiations between Washington and Tehran will return, but will be different, since America will pressure Iran into changing its policy in the region and Iraq in particular."

"There will be an Iranian withdrawal from the region and this is in agreement US", adding, "Iran will be required to help the US in Iraq by rearranging the Iraqi situation, in line with Washington's policy."

On Saturday, Biden defeated Donald Trump in the race to the White House, US media reported, in a victory that marks a historic turning point for America and the world after 4 years of a presidential term full of political conflicts.

In the same context, kata'ib sayyid al-shuhada, one of the most prominent armed Shiite factions in Iraq, ruled out a change in US policy after Biden's victory.

The Iraqi faction's spokesman, Kadhim Al-Fartousi, told Shafaq News agency, "There is a difference in the performance of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, and there is a difference in the personalities of Trump and Biden. Trump was looking for problems and crises, and had many contradictions. Biden could be a little different and may have a balanced policy. "

He added, "The US has a stable foreign policy, which is the exploitation of peoples and countries, the exploitation of their wealth, and the search for sources of income and energy outside the US. This will not change whether Trump or Biden is President, but there are behaviors and mechanisms to implement these projects, and here resides the difference between the two."

On January 5, the Iraqi parliament voted by majority to end the foreign military presence on the country's territory, following the killing of the Iranian Quds Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, and the deputy head Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, in an American airstrike near Baghdad International Airport.