Shafaq News/ U.S. President, Joe Biden, and Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, discussed in a phone call, which is the first to an Arab state and the second to middle east after Israel, the recent rocket attacks on the coalition forces in the capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil, and they agreed those responsible "must be held fully to account," the White House said.

A press release of the White House said that President Joseph R. Biden spoke today with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

Biden affirmed his country's support for Iraq’s sovereignty and independence and commended the Prime Minister’s leadership, according to the readout published by the White House . 

"They discussed the recent rocket attacks against Iraqi and Coalition personnel and agreed that those responsible for such attacks must be held fully to account." 

Together, they discussed the importance of advancing the Strategic Dialogue between our countries and expanding bilateral cooperation on other key issues.

"The President agreed to stay in close touch with the Prime Minister over the coming days and weeks," the White House said.