Shafaq News/ Dozens of demonstrators took the streets of Samawa, al-Muthanna's capital city, to protest Iraqi parliament speaker Mohammad al-Halboosi's disciplinary measures against independent lawmaker Bassem Khashan.

Khashan's proponents chanted slogans demanding al-Halboosi's impeachment and waved banners saying "al-Halboosi is an illegitimate speaker of an illegitimate parliament." 

The protestors threatened to escalate against al-Halboosi and his supporters. 

During a parliamentary session last Wednesday, al-Halboosi banned Khashan from making interventions and joining parliamentary committees unless he submits a written apology to the parliament presidium. 

On Saturday, May 7, Khashan said that he has documents that prove al-Halboosi's involvement in "financial crimes" and constitutional violations, calling on the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, to dismiss him.