Shafaq News / Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani affirmed on Sunday that he had "good" meetings with officials and political leaders during his visit to the federal capital, Baghdad.

Barzani spoke with journalists in Baghdad, stating, "We participated in the Iraqi Martyrs Day, and it was an opportunity to hold meetings with the President, the Prime Minister, and their deputies", adding, "I see that the meetings were good, and progress is being made in resolving the existing issues between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government."

Further elaborating, he said, "In this regard, today we spoke with the President and informed him of the results of the meetings we had with these authorities." He emphasized, "We hope that issues, especially the budget, will be resolved soon."

President of the Kurdistan Region stressed that "the crucial aspect is resolving the problems, whether by amending the law or through other means."