Shafaq News/ On Friday, the Secretary-General of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais al-Khazali, condemned some statements that included accusations of specific forces targeting Baghdad International Airport.

"Targeting the diplomatic missions, airports, and civil facilities is not a controversial issue, but rather all political and national forces agreed on refusing this, foremost of which is the Coordination Framework and the Coordination Body. Certainly, some agendas want to mix papers, especially at this critical time." Al-Khazali said on Twitter.

"Unfortunately, some forces, political figures, and media outlets want to exploit these events by pressing charges, explicitly or implicitly, to specific parties without any evidence, and we do not believe that this way contributes to stabilizing the situation." He added.

Al-Khazali concluded, "We ask all respectful political forces and personalities to unite the national discourse in rejecting all acts that violate the sovereignty and destabilize security and civil peace, in addition, refusing the continued US and Turkish foreign military presence and their violation of Iraqi sovereignty."

Earlier today, at least six missiles targeted the Baghdad International airport.

The Security Media Cell disclosed said in a statement, "outlaw terrorist gangs targeted the Baghdad International airport today at dawn, with six Katyusha rockets."

According to the statement, the rockets landed in the airport apron and damaged two aircraft of the Iraqi airlines.

It noted that the security forces had found three rockets in a launchpad in Abu Gharib district, adding that new leads had been found, and the perpetrators would soon be arrested and held accountable for what they did.