Shafaq News/ Security measures taken by the authorities in Baghdad successfully thwarted three attempted attacks on the Baghdad International Airport, the chief of Baghdad's Operations Command (BOC), Ahmed Salim, said on Saturday.

According to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), Salim said that the Baghdad Operations Command took a series of preemptive steps, including ambushes in uninhabited areas overlooking the targets, bolstering intelligence work by cooperating with the residents, and installing checkpoints to inspect suspicious vehicles.

"The measures were fruitful. Three attempts to attack the Baghdad Airport from nearby areas were foiled," he added, "a force from the second division of the Federal Police, affiliated with the Baghdad Operations Command, managed to seize ten Grad rockets less than two weeks ago. On a prior occasion, It also seized eight rockets set to attack the airports."

Salim commented on transferring the security file in the Sadr City from the Federal Police to the Army, "it does not contrast the efforts to assign the security duties in the capital to the Ministry of Interior's forces. The process is underway."

"The majority of Baghdad's downtown is under the control of the Federal and Emergency Police," he continued, "there was no specific issue to prompt this transfer. It is only because the Army's 42nd brigade, previously stationed in the Madaen, was reattached to the 11th division."

"The same applies to the 4th brigade of the Federal Police, which was in charge of the security file in the Sadr city. It was transferred to the Madaen to restore the affiliation with the first division of the Federal Police," he concluded, "it was only commutations to reorganize the structure of connections, connections, and units."