Shafaq News/ A security source reported that an explosion targeted today the house of a local official in Dhi Qar Governorate, southern Iraq. 

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "A homemade bomb exploded targeting the house of Al-Rifai deputy commissioner, Ammar Al-Rikabi, north of Dhi Qar Governorate."

  "Al-Rikabi was not in his house at the moment of the explosion," stressing that no causalities were recorded.  

He added, "A security force cordoned off the scene of the incident and opened an investigation to find out the attack’s circumstances. 

Meanwhile, a number of members of the Bani Rakab clan went to protect al-Rikabi’s office, in anticipation of any emergency that might occur in the coming hours.  Three days ago, unknown persons targeted a pharmacy owned by Al-Rakabi.