Shafaq News/ An official security source reported on Saturday that an activist in the Dhi Qar protests was subjected to an assassination attempt.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, that the civil rights activist in the Nasiriyah protests, Abu Elias Al-Saadoun wounded by multiple stabs near the highway, Dhi Qar, southern Iraq.

Al-Saadoun moved to the intensive care unit in the hospital.

Since October 2019, Dhi Qar Governorate witnessed protests and continued for several months, with thousands of Iraqis demanding jobs, services, and the removal of the ruling elite, which they said was corrupt.

The protests led to the resignation of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, who was replaced in May by Al-Kadhimi, a former intelligence chief.

Earlier, Amnesty International said, "a year after the demonstrations in Iraq calling for well-being and an end to corruption, dozens of brave activists are still being targeted and killed."

It also broadcast a video report entitled "A year after the protests in Iraq," during which it showed that hundreds of protesters had been killed and injured by the security forces.

it considered that "the authorities' promises to achieve justice were nothing had done yet, as the activists and demonstrators are still targeted.”