Shafaq News / The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed on Sunday Finance Minister Ali Allawi's intransigence on the salary cuts proposal might prompt the parliament to summon and question him.

Committee member Jamal Kocher told Shafaq News Agency, "The Minister of Finance submitted a proposal to the Council of Ministers to reinstate Law 113 of 1982, which includes the application of salary cuts on employees with retroactive effect," noting that "this violates the budget law and will affect state employees."

He added that "the cabinet is required to meet Tuesday to reject the salary cuts proposal, and the Minister of Finance should withdraw it and not violate the General Budget Law for 2021."

And Cougar said, "The Minister of Finance's insistence on applying the tax law and the salary cuts for salaries of state employees, will prompt us to question him in the upcoming sessions of the House of Representatives."

On Friday, the Iraqi Ministry of Finance issued a statement explaining the salary cuts decision from the salaries of employees after the circulation of official documents bearing the signature of Minister Ali Abdul Amir Allawi in this regard.

The ministry said in a statement today, that the book bearing the signature of Minister Allawi regarding tax withholding came in implementation of the provisions of Article 34, paragraph (c) of the Budget Law. According to the statement, the proposed salary cuts do not include the lower classes, and the Council of Ministers has the power to cancel it.

Platforms on social media circulated official documents appended to the signature of the Minister of Finance on the 13th of April, stating that salaries, wages, allowances, and bonuses are subject to tax by direct deduction, with the exception of marital and child allowances, with the exception of non-civilian armed forces affiliated with the Ministry of Defense and Interior.