Shafaq News/ The member of al-Siyada bloc, Mesh'an al-Jubouri, on Monday said that the row between the Parliament Speaker, Mohammad al-Halboosi, and his First Deputy, Hakem al-Zameli, might jeopardize the unity of the trilateral coalition of Homeland Rescue.

Al-Jubouri tweeted, "the conflict of al-Zameli with al-Halboosi and his insistence upon being a part of the parliament presidium, not a deputy, threatens to unravel the Homeland Rescue if the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, does not interfere."

"The constitution did not mention the term of 'parliament presidium'. The Supreme Court stressed that it does not exist. We have a parliament speaker and two deputies."

Last month, al-Halboosi issued a circular to change the address "parliament presidium" in the official correspondences. However, the advisor to the First Deputy reversed the decision for being "illegal".