Shafaq News/ Iraq's Prime Minister Mohammad Shia' al-Sudani said that Istanbul's attack yesterday, Sunday, is a reminder of the importance of "cooperation and partnership" in the battle against the scourge of terrorism.

Prime Minister al-Sudani's remarks came in a statement he issued in the aftermath of a blast that ripped through the heart of Turkey's Istanbul, killing at least eight and injuring dozens of pedestrians.

"The Republic of Iraq, government and people, offers solace and solitude to the friendly Turkish people in the aftermath of vicious terrorist attack in Istanbul," the statement said, "we wish the injured a speedy recovery and the families of the victims' patience as we share their pain and sorrow."

"Terrorism in our region proves, one day after another, that it has no religion or identity. It targets lives, stability, and unsuspecting people. That is evidence for its despicable premises and deviant ideology."

"We express to the Turkish Republic our deep rejection for these heinous deeds," the prime minister said, "that is an occasion to remind us of the importance of cooperation and partnership in the battle against terrorism and pursuing its hideouts and supporters."