Shafaq News / Al-Siyada coalition, led by Khamis al-Khanjar, denied what was reported by some social media pages about nominating the Parliament Speaker, Mohammad al-Halboosi, for the Presidency of the Republic.

Social media platforms said earlier that if al-Haboosi wins the Presidential election race, Shakhwan Abdullah will become the Parliament Speaker. 

The leader in the coalition, Fahd al-Rashid, told Shafaq News agency that such rumors aim to undermine the integrity of al-Siyada coalition with the Kurdish parties. 

"We are committed to our alliance with Mr. al-Sadr and brother Masoud Barzani. 

Earlier today, the Federal Supreme Court said parliament's decision to accept Zebari's presidential bid was incorrect and it also barred him from running for the post in the future.

The ruling was the court's final decision after it issued an initial ruling last Sunday suspending Zebari's candidacy while it looked into the corruption allegations. 

 Zebari on Sunday said he will commit to the Supreme Federal Court's ruling even though he believes it is "politicized".

Iraq's Supreme Federal Court has ruled that the former foreign minister is not eligible to run for the presidency in the wake of corruption allegations linked to his name.

In a press conference at his residence in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, Zebari said, "we were surprised by the court's decision, but we respect it."

"As a citizen, I have the right to run for the post," he added, "There is deceit and injustice toward me, but life does not end here. It is a sad day to Iraq."

Zebari asserted that the court's decision to preclude him from his "Constitutional" right to run for the presidency was "politicized". 

When asked about the substitute candidate for the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), he said, "Hoshyar Zebari is the only candidate the Party has named."

"The greatest honor for me was being named by President Masoud Barzani," he told Shafaq News Agency correspondent, "they do not want a strong experienced president. They only sought to hinder us from reaching the parliament hall."

"They impeded the political process to ensure that Zebari does not make it to the parliament," he continued, "the party does not have a candidate after the court ruled me eligible."

Zebari, a prominent Kurdish politician who served as Iraq's foreign minister for over a decade, was finance minister when he was impeached and dismissed by parliament in 2016 over alleged corruption. He denied the accusations and said they are politically motivated.