Shafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist Movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, welcomed the Federal Supreme Court's ratification of the election results, calling for accelerating in forming a majority government.

"Thanks to everyone who contributed to this national democratic wedding, especially the Supreme Judiciary, and Brother Faiq Zaidan, the Federal Court, the Electoral Commission, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (Jeanine Plasschaert), and to all partners and to the Iraqi people who were patient and got what they wanted, and thanks for the reference that support this electoral carnival which deserves our praise, thanks, and celebration." Al-Sadr said on Twitter.

"The nation is a trust, and we must expedite the formation of a government (a national majority) so that the people can enjoy service and safety." He added.

For his part, the Victory (Al-Nasr) Coalition led by Haider al-Abadi said it accepted the Federal Court's decision regarding the 2021 elections.

In a statement, the Coalition said, "despite our rejection to many of the procedures that accompanied the electoral process and the work of the Commission, our commitment to the legal and constitutional contexts of the state requires us to accept the decision."

The statement added, "The positions of the Victory Coalition were and will remain in favor of the state and the citizens, the sovereignty of its institutions, and the unity of its people," calling on all political forces to "agree on a successful and strong governance equation to save the state."

On Monday, the Federal Supreme Court ratified the results of the Iraqi parliamentary elections that were held on October 10.

By taking this decision, the Federal Court resolved a three-month controversy over the election results, which were rejected by some blocs, including the Shiite Coordination Framework that escalated its position by protesting for more than two months in front of the gates of the Highly-fortified Green Zone in Baghdad.

The final results showed that the Sadrist Movement led by Muqtada al-Sadr won 73 seats, followed by the "Progress (Takadum)" Coalition led by Muhammad al-Halbousi with 37 seats. Next, the State of Law Coalition led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with 33 seats, then the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Masoud Barzani with 31 seats.

Compared with 2018 results, The Al-Fateh Alliance lost 31 seats, taking only 17 seats in the last elections.

For his part, the Head of Al-Fateh Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, announced a commitment to the Federal Court's decision in the ratification of the election results, noting that his step comes "in the interest of Iraq's stability."

"committed to the constitution and the law, and due to our fear for Iraq's security and political stability, and our belief in the political process and its democratic path, we adhere to the Court's decision despite our belief that the electoral process was full with fraud and manipulation," Al-Amiri said in a statement.

He added, "The appeals we submitted to the Court were solid, logical, and acceptable. If we submitted them to any court in any country that respects democracy, it would have been sufficient to cancel the election results."

"Despite all this, we affirm our commitment to Court decision, which was subjected to great external and internal pressures." He concluded.