Shafaq News/ A self-proclaimed advisor of Muqtada al-Sadr lambasted the talks auspiced by Iraq's caretaker Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, calling on the status quo forces to step down.

Mohammed Salih al-Iraqi, who runs a Twitter account named "the leader's advisor" and is widely believed to be al-Sadr's mouthpiece, said in a post on Facebook that the talks resulted in "useless points" that do not benefit the people of Iraq.

"Most of the attendees only care about staying on the chair. For this reason, they tried to undermine the revolution," he said, in reference to the demonstrations of the Sadrist movement's supporters since last month.

"They only care about forming a government that satisfies the desires of some people to establish their control, consolidate their deep state, and control the people who reject them, forge the election, and tailor the results in a manner that suites them."

"One of them headed to the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a few hours after the meeting. If it were us who did it, they would have said: the session was held under external pressure and ordered by those promoting normalization [with Israel] and US supporters."

"We do not care about your secretive meetings... The meeting shall be held in public and live for the people to see what is happening behind the scenes."

"How long will the mule remain on its ivory tower with its despicable bourgeois behavior that ignores the suffering of the people and spends their money and rights without judicial or international deterrence?"

"O people of Iraq, do not be deceived by their dialogue, for it is weaker than a spider web. They would not last long if your revolution lasts longer," he concluded.