Shafaq News/ On the eve of the Parliament's first session, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, stressed that the next Iraqi government will be of a "national majority" nature.

Al-Sadr tweeted earlier today, Saturday, "today, there is no room for sectarianism or ethnicity. It will be a national majority government in which the Shiite will defend the rights of the minorities,Sunnis, and Kurds."

"The Kurd will defend the rights of the minorities, Sunnis, and Shiites; and the Sunni will defend the rights of the minorities, Shiites, and Kurds."

"There will be no room for corruption. All the sects shall be supportive to reform."

"Today, there will be no room for militias. Everyone will uphold the army, police, and security forces. The law will prevail with an impartial Iraqi Judiciary."

"Today, the people and us will say: no for dependence. Our decision is Iraqi, Shiite, Sunni, Kurdish, Turkmen, Christian, Fayli, Shabak, Sabean: an Iraqi national Mosaic, neither eastern nor western."