Shafaq News/ Powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Saturday reiterated his commitment to enforcing reform and combating corruption in the Iraqi state, dismissing the abuse of Iranian pilgrims participating in the Arbaeen observance as a violation of Ahl al-Bayt teachings.

In a tweet he shared earlier today, al-Sadr said, "we should not abandon the essence of Imam Hussein's revolution and the goals he stood for; most importantly, reform and fighting corruption."

The heir of the Sadrist dynasty condemned "the abuse of some pilgrims from outside Iraq, particularly our Iranian brothers", saying, "this is not our morality. This is not what Ahl al-Bayt taught us."

Al-Sadr also lambasted the slogans made against countries that some believe are "against Husayni rituals" or "oppose certain people's policies, like the Gulf states", stressing, "this, also, is not our morality. Even if some accept enmity, we only want to guide them."