Shafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, called on those who "took up arms" not to repeat this action.

"May God have mercy on the martyrs of the peaceful revolution. I console myself and ask God for patience for their families and a speedy recovery for the wounded. The official authorities should follow up on their rights." Al-Sadr said on Twitter.

"I ask God to forgive those who took up arms, and I ask them to demand forgiveness and not to return to such work in the future, whether I am alive or dead." He added.

Supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr, carrying guns and driving tuk-tuk vehicles, began withdrawing from Baghdad's Green Zone after the influential Shia cleric called on them to end their actions.

Al-Sadr has called on his supporters to withdraw from Iraq's parliament during a news conference in his headquarters in Najaf's al-Hannana.

He instructed his supporters to withdraw within the next 60 minutes, adding that not even a sit-in or peaceful demonstration would be allowed.

Al-Sadr apologized to the Iraqi people after nearly two days of violent clashes.

"This is not a revolution [anymore] because it has lost its peaceful character," al-Sadr said in a televised address. 

"The spilling of Iraqi blood is forbidden," he added.