Shafaq News/ The powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr called on his loyalists from all over Iraq to gather in al-Tahrir square, downtown Baghdad in a "multi-million march"; a move he frankly denoted as a challenge of popularity against his rivals in the Coordination Framework.

The maverick Shiite leader's remarks came in a document shared earlier today by Mohammed Salih al-Iraqi, who runs a Twitter account named "the leader's advisor" and is widely believed to be al-Sadr's mouthpiece.

"This is my last call," al-Sadr said, "since the protest has divided into two camps. It is an obligation to inquire which camp enjoys more support and compassion among the Iraqis."

Addressing Iraq's "tribes, sects, women, elders, young people, and children", he said, "I rely on you to uphold Iraq for reform and save what has been left of it to avoid becoming a piece of cake for corruption, injustice, militias, dependence, and corrupt parties' desires."

"It is the last chance... A 'peaceful' 'million' unified demonstration from all the governorates, territories, villages, neighborhoods, allies, and houses of Iraq to the beloved Baghdad, the Tahrir square, your siblings protesting in the Green Zone to support reform for the love of Iraq," al-Sadr said.

"Let's send a million-man popular message to the world. Iraq is with reform. Reform is with Iraq. There is no room for corruption and corrupts," he concluded.