Shafaq News/ The demonstrators of Al-Nusur Square in Baghdad threatened to escalate the protests if the political forces "did not leave the political process" before October 25.

In a statement, the demonstrators accused the authorities and political parties of corruption because they "divided Iraq among them, by displacing thousands, returning terrorists to political work, spreading sectarianism, and drugs."

"Our goal is to change the current political system with a constitution and a new social contract, to eliminate this system designed by foreign hands."

"We believe in a peaceful, non-violent struggle; therefore, we will give all political forces until the 25th of this October to leave the political process. Otherwise, we proceed with broader steps and will not give them a chance to rest." The statement said.

They also called for "a transitional government under international supervision, led by an elite of patriots, with no one participating from the political figures who headed the country since 2003, including the current PM Mustafa Al-Kadhimi."

The statement pointed out that the demonstrators have launched the one-million campaign in which they collect signatures rejecting "this corrupt regime and its abhorrent policies."

Addressing the international community and the United Nations, the statement said, "Iraq participated in most international agreements and treaties, and that you are among the founders of this regime, which has breached all moral, political and international principles and charters, so you must support the steps taken by the Iraqi people who refuse humiliation, corruption, and injustice."