Shafaq News / The State of Law Coalition led by Nuri al-Maliki warned, on Monday, of manipulation and fraud in the results of the upcoming elections.

The coalition said in a statement, "one of the dangerous preconceptions shown to tamper with the results of the upcoming elections and manipulate the results, is the adoption of a non-biometric electronic identity of the voter to garner votes fraudulently and in violation of the law".

He added, "To avoid what happened in the 2018 parliamentary elections, we affirm our absolute rejection of using any identity for voters other than the identity issued through the biometric system", calling on the political blocs and commissions to, "commit to practicing fair legal competition by adopting identities that cannot be tampered with, so that the elections express the real opinions of the voters".

On July 31st, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, announced that the parliamentary elections will be held on June 6, 2021, pledging to provide international monitoring of the electoral process.

Al-Kadhimi's announcement of the election date was welcomed with an international pledge of support and work on its success. However, the positions of the political blocs are still vague and divided about the date and the mechanisms of the elections.