Shafaq News/ The head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, said that the Iraqi Parliament “has fallen” after being stormed by supporters of the Sadrist movement, and the head of Fatah Alliance called Muqtada Al-Sadr for talks.

In a statement, Al-Maliki said, that today’s events (storming the parliament by the Sadrist supporters) “necessitating me to call the brothers in the Framework to take a responsible position and start a serious dialogue away from negative influences.”

He added, "Our people have fallen under the pressure of the crisis, the results of which have become frightening, …the national and legitimate responsibility obliges us all to follow the path of dialogue and rebuild the state of constitutional institutions."

In turn, Hadi Al-Amiri said, "I sincerely call on our dear brother, His Eminence, Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr, to a serious dialogue with the brothers within the Coordination Framework, to overcome the political deadlock and to find the possible solutions to save the country and the people from any potential dangers.”