Shafaq News / On Saturday, Issa Al-Issawi, a prominent figure in al-Siyada Alliance, discussed the potential for his appointment to the Iraqi Parliament to occupy the seat vacated by the ousted Council Speaker, Mohammed al-Halbousi.

Al-Issawi expressed that he is the first reserve in the first constituency of al-Anbar governorate, where Mohammed al-Halbousi was previously situated. According to the High Electoral Commission’s law, any deputy whose membership is terminated or concluded will be replaced by the reserve candidate.

"Since the Federal Court has decided to terminate al-Halbousi's membership, according to the law, I will be the replacement to occupy the parliamentary seat for the first constituency in Al-Fallujah district in al-Anbar," Al-Issawi added.

He continued, stating, "After the administrative procedures between the Electoral Commission, the Federal Court, and the Parliament are finalized, I will take the constitutional oath, and obtain parliamentary membership."

It is noteworthy that the Federal Supreme Court decided on Tuesday, November 14, to terminate the membership of Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi based on allegations of "forgery" filed by MP Laith al-Dulaimi.

Following the court's decision, al-Halbousi addressed the parliament during a session, "There are those who seek to fragment the political components of society."

Furthermore, the head of the Federal Supreme Court, Jassim Mohammed Abboud, Iraq's highest judicial authority, confirmed on Thursday that the decision to terminate the membership of Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi is binding for all authorities and is not subject to legal appeal.