Shafaq News/ The Al-Fateh Alliance, led by the Secretary-General of Badr Organization Hadi Al-Amiri, warned against not implementing the demands of the political and popular forces to manually re-count ballots in all polling stations in Iraq.

 The leader, Abu Mithaq Al-Masari, told Shafaq News Agency, "situation is likely to escalate, especially with the refusal of the Electoral Commission to implement the demands of the political and popular forces to manually re-count the votes in all polling stations in Iraq, and this confirms the existence of fraud and monopoly in the results." 

 He indicated that there are many  options could be taken by the Coordination Framework and the forces of the Al-Fateh Alliance,” adding, “the insistence on refusing the manual re-counting will push the political and popular forces to demand the abolition of all early elections."

 It is worth noting that Al-Fateh Alliance, which includes the majority of armed Shiite factions in Iraq, had  rejected  the preliminary results of the  parliamentary elections, while its supporters protested at the gates of the Green Zone in central Baghdad.

 According to the preliminary results, the Al-Fateh Alliance won 14 seats.