Shafaq News / A leader in Al-Fatah Alliance revealed his alliance's reservation from PM Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's call for a national dialogue that includes political and opposition forces.

The leader in the coalition, Ghazanfar Al-Battikh, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "There is political fear of the Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's call for a national dialogue that includes political and opposition forces, as this invitation may include figures and parties stained with Iraqi blood or Baathist figures, which we refuse categorically."

Al-Batikh indicated, "international pressure is being exerted on Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi to include those parties in the dialogue under the title of 'National Dialogue'. For this reason, al-Kadhimi must specify the parties he called for to dialogue. This call cannot be made open, as there are parties that do not believe in the political system we have now, and they want to destroy it."

In the same context, the head of the Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, welcomed the dialogue call launched by PM al-Kadhimi.

Al-Hakim tweeted, "the opportunity is ripe and the atmosphere is ready to proceed with this dialogue. We renew the demand for the engagement of all political forces and social and academic actors in a dialogue that accommodates all visions and constructive ideas to address failures and rectify the negatives."

Iraq's prime minister on Monday called on the country's rival political groups to use "National Dialogue" to solve their differences, a move he said would reflect the "love and tolerance" shown by Pope Francis' historic visit to the country.