Shafaq News / Al-Fatah coalition announced today that it welcomes Baghdad and Washington's strategic dialogue, setting several conditions.

MP of the coalition, Fadel Al-Fatlawi, told Shafaq News agency, "We welcome any dialogue, and the main goal of the anticipated strategic dialogue between Baghdad and Washington should be implementing the decision of the Iraqi Council of Representatives regarding the withdrawal of the American forces from Iraq… We support building strategic, political and economic relations and building a relationship based on respect for Iraq's sovereignty. "

Al-Fatlawi added, "as we represent a political party and the Council of Representatives, we will monitor and follow up on the anticipated strategic dialogue between Baghdad and Washington. It must be for the sake of Iraq's sovereignty and independence and to prevent any US or other foreign interference in our internal affairs. These are the most important points that the Iraqi side must work on."

The White House announced yesterday, that Iraq and the United States will hold a strategic dialogue next April.

So far, two sessions of strategic talks were held in June and August. Among the issues to be discussed are the presence of US forces in the country and the grinding economic crisis in Iraq.