Shafaq News / The head of al-Fatah coalition, Hadi al-Ameri, will head to al-Hannana in the next few hours, to meet the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr.

The leader in the coalition, Ali al-Fatlawi, told Shafaq News agency that the two sides will discuss the political situation and solve the impasse.

He added that the Coordination Framework is keen to involve all parties in the political process, to preserve the rights of Iraqi communities, and nominate a new president.

"Al-Amiri's visit to al-Hannana aims is secretive and is organized according to special recommendations", he said, noting that its details will be disclosed if they turn out to be fruitful.

Al-Ameri will propose a new initiative that stipulates letting the Coordination Framework lead the Parliamentary bloc in exchange of giving up on their share of ministries, and nominating the Prime Minister after forming the largest Shiite political bloc.

The Coordination Framework is pursuing a multi-pronged approach to resolve the deadlock that has kept the country mired in political paralysis since October 10, a source from inside the Shiite forces consortium said on Sunday.

"The Coordination Framework leaders continue to hold meetings to deliberate proposals to a solution that end the Shiite-Shiite row and preserve the Shiite component's share of the authority," the source told Shafaq News Agency, "a delegation from the Coordination Framework is scheduled to visit al-Hannana, the headquarters of the Sadrist movement leader Muqtada al-Sadr, to break the ice between the Shiite rivals and revive the government talks."

The Coordination Framework, the source said, has appealed to the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) to find a common ground and agree upon a consensus government apart from their current candidates.

"The Framework is adamant about reuniting the Shiite home. It will never give up on the Sadrist movement. However, if the latter remains intransigent about the authoritarian government, the former will proceed with forming a government and naming a premier."

"The Coordination Framework is pondering further steps to knit the Shiite home," the source added, "it will be revealed soon."

On Thursday, the powerful Iraqi Shiite cleric said that he was stepping back for the next 40 days and giving his Shiite rivals the chance to form the country's next government.

The surprising move by Muqtada al-Sadr comes against the backdrop of a persisting political deadlock in Iraq, five months after general elections.