Shafaq News / A reliable source revealed that the head of al-Fatah coalition, Hadi al-Ameri, will visit al-Hannana, Najaf, to meet the powerful Shiite cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, in the next few hours.

The source told Shafaq News agency that al-Ameri's visit aims to prepare for a national dialogue to address the current political impasse the country is going through.

He added that the Coordination Framework compromised and accepted al-Sadr's proposition to dissolve parliament and hold early elections after forming a government headed by CF candidate Mohammed Shaya'a al-Sudani, who will prepare for the elections and amend the election law.

Yesterday, a source revealed to Shafaq News agency that al-Ameri will sit with al-Sadr representing the CF, and find a solution to address the current political crisis the country is going through.