Shafaq News/ Al-Abbas squad denied, on Friday, reports that its fighters were involved in attacking a prominent leader in the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF).

The squad said in a statement, "Local media circulated news that a force from the leadership of the Al-Abbas attacked some leading figures in the PMF’s Imam Ali Brigades...This news is completely false."

It called on the media to publish only accurate news.”

A source told Shafaq News Agency that "unidentified men shot at the house of the leader of the Imam Ali Brigades, Shebl al-Zaidi, in the Jadriya area without causing any causalities."

It is noteworthy that Al-Abbas Squad is one of the factions loyal to the supreme Shiite authority in Iraq, Ali al-Sistani, while the Imam Ali brigades are considered pro-Iranian factions.