Shafaq News/ The head of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, warned in a strongly worded tweet of "administrative chaos" in the aftermath of the forced resignation of some governors.

The resignation of the governors of Dhi Qar and Najaf has stirred a wave of controversy amid talks about political pressures exerted upon them to leave their positions.

Al-Maliki tweeted, "a question to all the parties: does not the governors know that they are directly linked to the Prime Minister? Does not the departments' directors know that they are linked to the governors; and neither they nor the governors have the right to respond to any demand and file their resignation? Does not the Prime Minister know that he has responsibility for the governors and departments directors and has to protect them from pressure? Does not the political forces know that they have no right to force the officials to resign?"

"For chaos not to prevail, everyone shall commit to the legal and administrative procedures. The resignation of an official shall not be accepted unless submitted in accordance to the law in force."