Shafaq News/ A source within the Diwan of Dhi Qar Governorate has disclosed a disturbing revelation regarding the alleged kidnapping and torture of community activist Larry Abbas within the intelligence department.

The source, speaking to Shafaq News agency, indicated that the follow-up department within the Diwan has been monitoring the case closely, with a committee assigned to investigate the activist's arrest. They further emphasized that the committee's findings indicate that Larry was not tortured during custody.

According to the source, the government committee had the opportunity to review a comprehensive video related to Larry's interrogation at the intelligence department. They assert that the video evidence affirms the activist's claims of non-torture. However, it was noted that Larry was removed from the directorate on the condition that he abstain from engaging in any deviant ideologies associated with the Baath Party.

The family of community activist Larry has provided an update on the latest developments surrounding the case. Ahmed Abbas, Larry's brother, informed our agency that the family intends to file a formal complaint against the Intelligence Directorate and is waiting for the necessary paperwork to proceed. Additionally, he mentioned receiving communication from higher security authorities in Baghdad, expressing interest in meeting to discuss the matter in further detail and take appropriate legal measures against those responsible for negligence.

Yesterday, Ahmed Abbas disclosed that his brother, Larry, was forcibly taken from the streets without a judicial order by the Nasiriyah intelligence service. The reported reason for the arrest was Larry's act of painting a mural depicting the late famous poet Erian Al-Sayed Khalaf on a wall near the Nasiriyah municipality hall, similar to a statue of the poet situated within the hall itself.

Ahmed Abbas made damning allegations, asserting that his brother had been tortured while in custody at the Intelligence Division. He claimed that false confessions were extracted from Larry under duress.

Denying the allegations of receiving funds from Baath Party-affiliated entities, Abbas clarified that his brother had legitimate dealings with internationally recognized organizations due to his role as a community activist. He firmly denied any association between Larry and suspicious parties.

This week, news regarding the arrest of a young civil activist in Dhi Qar Governorate circulated widely on social media and local news outlets.

The activist in question, Larry Abbas, had initiated a campaign named "This is not my garbage, but this is my homeland" to address the waste management issue in Nasiriyah.

His efforts involved removing garbage from the streets and adorning building walls with artistic representations of well-known personalities and scenic landscapes, aiming to beautify the city.