Shafaq News / A security delegation on Thursday arrived in Diyala Governorate to discuss the security breaches and the frequent attacks that hit Jalawla district.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent in Diyala said, "A delegation headed by the Deputy Commander of Joint Operations, Lt. Gen. Abdul Amir Al-Shammari and Commander of the Land Forces, Major Gen. Qassem Al-Muhammadi, held a security meeting in Jalawla to draw up plans for securing the district’ outskirts from the terrorism threats."

Several attacks hit Jalawla in the past few days which damaged the citizens' properties and an electricity station.

Jalawla, 70 km northeast of Baqubah, a town of about 80,000 Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen just south of Diyala’s border with Iraq’s semi-autonomous northern Kurdish region, has long experience with confronting ISIS.