Shafaq News / the security forces in Nineveh Governorate arrested On Monday, a prominent ISIS leader.

A security source told Shafaq News Agency; the security forces have arrested Natiq Al-Matouti, the most prominent leader of ISIS in Al-Shoura district, south of Mosul.

Earlier today, Iraq’s Federal Police has arrested two of the most dangerous ISIS members in Kirkuk Governorate.

The Interior ministry said in a statement that units of the Federal Police arrested two wanted persons in the Al-Abbasi district, Kirkuk governorate who worked in various locations within ISIS, including in “the Wilayat of Kirkuk / Al-Abbasi District”, in the “Wilayat of Tigris / Police Office”, “Diyala / Baqubah District”, and “Ain Jalout Division / Third Brigade.”

The terrorists handed over to the competent authorities.

In 2017, Iraq declared final victory over ISIS after Iraqi forces drove its last remnants from the country, three years after the militant group captured about a third of Iraq’s territory.

Yet, ISIS still has sleeper cells in several Iraqi Governorates.