Shafaq News / Basem Khashan, an independent Iraqi politician, accused the governor of Al-Muthanna, Ahmed Manafi Jawdah, of being behind kidnapping activist, Haidar Khashan and threatening him with death.  

Khashan told Shafaq News agency, "A local gang in Al-Muthanna governorate kidnapped the activist Haidar Khashan. Governor Ahmed Manafi Jawdah is behind what happened, especially since the gang asked the activity to leave the demonstrations calling for the dismissal of the governor, and threatened to kill him if he does not do so." 

"The governor of al-Muthanna, Ahmed Manafi Jawdah, tried earlier to lure the activist Haidar Khashan with money in exchange for leaving the demonstration against him, but the activist rejected his demands, and that is why he kidnapped and threatened him", he added.

He pointed out, "the security authorities know what happened."

It is worth noting that Jawdah attacked Khashan and his brother, on March 24, during a talk show, accusing them of corruption, confirming that he filed a complaint Khashan, which ended up included in the general amnesty law.