Shafaq News / The Executive Board Member of Imtidad movement, Nour Ali Nafeh al-Jalihawi, resigned from her position.

Al-Halijawi said in her resignation message that after the confession of the movement's Secretary-General, Alaa al-Rikabi, that the movement will elect the Parliament Speaker Mohammad al-Halboosi, "and since we believe that anyone who held a state position during the October uprising, and did not stand by the revolutionists, is a partner of those who oppressed the protesting youth."

She added that since this agreement "violates" the principles of the October uprising, she resigned from the movement that does not represent her anymore.

In February 2020, Imtidad movement, which emerged from the October uprising, announced withdrawing from the movement, as they oppose its internal system.

This month, three members of the movement resigned after al-Rikabi and six other members of Imtidad voted for al-Halboosi. 

It is noteworthy that the movement won nine Parliamentary seats.